Đề kiểm tra Học kì I môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 CT chuẩn trường THPT Chuyên Lê Quý Đôn - Mã đề 701 (Có đáp án)

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Đề kiểm tra Học kì I môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 CT chuẩn trường THPT Chuyên Lê Quý Đôn - Mã đề 701 (Có đáp án)

Đề kiểm tra Học kì I môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 CT chuẩn trường THPT Chuyên Lê Quý Đôn - Mã đề 701 (Có đáp án)
so GIAo DUC vA DAo rAo oE ruEh TRA Hoc rV r
THANH pHO on ruAruC Mon: TIE'NG ANH LOP 10 - Cirrrong trinh CHUAN
Trddng THPT Chuy€n lf qUf oOtrt Ndm hoc 2007-2008
Thdi gian: 45 ph[rt
Mi d6: 7Ot
Ho va ten th i s inh: . . . . Ldp: . . . .
56 b6o danh : . . . . . . . Phong th i : .
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differentty from that of the
others in each group.
1. A. lnterest B. heat C. read D. fCCl
2. A. bone B. cow C. close D. hgme
3. A. pagoda B. tqday C. tggether D. eady
4. A. fqod B. f lqqd C, schegl D. afternoon
Choose the best answer.
5. The chi ldren who are learning how to read and wri te in Ms Thuy's c lass are al l d isabled. The
word "disabled" in this sentence means
A. unable to do something as usual C. unable to speak
B. unable to use a part of the body in the normal way D. unable to see
6 . - i sa f i lmo rap |ay tha t i s i n tended tobe funny ,usua l | yw i t hhappyend ing .
A. Documentary B. Cartoon C. Comedy D. Drama
7 . Iwas |a te fo r schoo | t h i smorn ingbecause thea |a rmc |ock fa i | ed to - .
A. go off B. run C. set D. rang
B. Computer is also a personal communicator, helping you 
with other computers as
wel l as people al l over the world.
A. to interact B. to deliver C. to transmit D. to talk
9. We are going to 
a vis i t to the Botanical Garden at weekend.
A. have B. pay C. take D. spend
10. In spite of all diff icult ies, Marie Curie earned a degree in Physics with f lying at the
A. dreams B. efforts C. wings D. colours
11. There is so much in the streets so my mother often feels worriecl when I go to
school by bike.
A. motorbikes B. vehicles C. traff lc D. transportation
12. You must study hard to 
your parents and your teachers'wishes.
A. have B. meet C. support D. give
Choose A, B C or D for each guestion.
13. What's that noise? What 
A. has happened B. happened C. are happening D. is happening
14. Tom gets a higher salary now. He 
A. has just been promoted C. had been promoted
B. were promoted D. has just promoted
15. If you know the answer,
A. please raise your hands
B. you will raise your hands
C. you should raise your hands
D.A&Carecor rec t .
16. Do you know how to John's house?
A. getting B. to get C. get D. to leave
K i 6 m , t r o H K l ( 2 0 0 7 . 2 0 0 B ) . T i o n g A n ' l t , l 0 _ C T , C h u A r t - M c l i o t - P , , g , ' 1 " f 3
B. ate
20. It 's a nice morning. How about
A. go B. to go
17. Looking after
A. the rich
in hospitals is hard work.
B. the people
18. The latest education fiqures
A. was publ ished B. were publ ished
19. He is now a vegetar ians al though he
A. used to eat
C. the sick
by the government recently.
C. has been publ ished
a lot of meat.
C. wi l l eat
for a walk?
C. go ing
C. knowledge
C. the society
C. s ingers
C. phone
C. worldly
C . S im i l a r
D. the
D. have been publ ished
D. had
D. went
D. experience
D. the school
D. judces
D. massage
D.B&Care r i gh t
D. Different
Point out the underlined words/ phrases which need correcting.
2I . (A) Because of (B) l iv inq far (C) f rom school, he sonret imes gocs to school (D) late, ly.
22. I'm still looking (A) for a job (B) but I hope (C) tq_find (D) anvlhrng 3oon.
23. When I (A) come, the room was (B) in a terrible mess (C) beczuLs_e orneone
(D) had brqken_iLrlp it.
24. Ji l l isn't (A) in the phone, (B) whicb makes (C) [ diff icult (D) t_o_qo_1!act her.
READING 1 Choose the best answer for each blank.
In 2001, Br i t i sh mus ic boss S imon Cowel l had the (25) of a "TV talent shorv" fr:r
members of (26) rvho rvanted to be poo sinqei 's. Thousands of srneers - oood and baC
appeared in f ront of three (27) and n viervei 's could vote for the best ten bv
telephone, text (28) or over the In tc rnet . l i rvas a b ig success (29) , a n d
the United States soon had its own Amerlcan ldol. (30) shols appeared a l l over th t :
world, from Russia to the Arab world. Diana Kazon, nineteen, from Jordan won the first Arab Super
Star in August 2004.
25. A. invention
26. A. the public
27. A. members
28. A. information
29. A. internat ional ly
30. A. Many
Choose the best answer for each guestion.
Computer izat ion has changed high school educatron rr rrdi l r ' , , .v3ys T^,e f ; rs i rs tne us€ of 11e
computer as a teaching aid for teachers. The f lC.t is the massrve oata storage ar,d fast !4n from
computers. In ear ly 1980s, only 20o/o ef high school teachers rn the US ' ;sed computers. However,
s ince then h igh schools in the US have compute lzed rap id ly . In L987, schoo,s acqu i red about 1 .5
mil l ion computers with 95o/o f the schools having at least one computer. At school, teachers can
use a computer to br ing texts, sound and pictures into a classroom. With a computer, thev can
more read i ly a t t rac t and re ta in s tudents 'a t tent ion. Computers can a lso spced up the teachrng
process and make di f f icul t - to-explain ideas easier to understand. This means that teachers can
spend more t ime answering students ' quest ions and cater ing for other needs, ComDuter softvrarc
can shorten the learning process by i l lustrat ing real world appl icat ions of abstract theor ies.
Notes: - process: qud trinh - cater for: ddp fitg
31. What is the main idea of the text?
A. Computers can not be used at school.
B. Teachers are banned to use a computer.
C. Computer can be used as a teaching aid.
D. In 1980 there were no computers used for teaching.
B. idea
B. the group
B. viewers
B. message
B. the world
B. The same
Ki6rntroHKI(2007 2005)-Ti in,g Anh l0- CT Ct,t ,6,,-MaTU
abstract: truU tldng
I'ogr: 2 of .7
37-. Whicfr sentence isNOT TRUE?
A. Computerization is ot done at high schools.
B. Students can get data from a computer.
C. Teachers can use a computer in class.
D. Teachers can store data in computers.
33. In 1987
A. no teachers could use computers.
B. 95% of the schools had at least one computer.
c. computers were not used to suppoft teaching procedures.
D. all schools had computers.
34. With a computer,
A. nothing can be done for both teachers and students.
B. students do not have to learn their lessons.
c. teachers can't have a lot of t ime explaining the lessons.
D. teachers can speed up their teaching process.
Choose the best sentence from 4 B, c or D.
35. My neighbourhood is noisy but I enjoy l iv ing here.
A. Al though my noisy neighbourhood, I enjoy l iv ing here.
B. I enjoy l iving in my neighbourhood in spite of the noise here.
c. Because it is noisy in my neighbourhood, I enjoy l iving here.
D. In spite of my neighbourhood is noisy, I enjoy l iving here.
36. Mike: Can you come to my party next Thursday?
Luke: What a pity!
A. I 'm having a meet ing in Flor ida next weeK.
B. I wi l l have a meet ing in Flor ida next week.
C. I wil l have had a meeting in Florida by Thursda;.
D. I am going to go to Florida next Thursday.
37. We felt disappointed urhen UB \Aeframese fmtball team lost rn Sea Crarrres 2a-
A. U23 Metnamese football team lost in Sea Games 24, Utiat drsappornted us.
B. We felt disappointed about U23 Vietnamese football team lost in Sea Games 24.
C. U23 Vietnamese football team lost in Sea Games24, what disappointed us.
D. U23 Vietnamese footbal l team lost in Sea Games24, which disappointed us.
38. Because of the traff ic jam, Mr Brown was late this morning. When he arrived at the meeting,
A. al l h is col leagues lef t .
B. al l h is col leagues went home.
C. all his colleagues had left.
D. all his colleagues had left home.
39. The government said that
A. a new br idge would be bui l t across the Han River in ear ly 2008.
B. a new br idge has been bui l t across the Han River in ear ly 2008.
c. a new br idge wi l l be bui l t across the Han River in ear ly 2008.
D. a new br idge is going to be bui l t across the Han River in ear ly 2008.
40. You can smoke in here. It doesn,t matter.
A. I don't l ike smoking in here.
B. I don' t mind your smoking in here.
C. I hate your smoking in here.
D. I avoid smoking in here.
The End
Iii6 n ilro H K 1 ( 2 0 0 T - 2 0 08, TE;s a"tiffi I'uge :i oi :i
KrE.M TFIA Hoc rc| r
uAp Aru
13. C
23. A
33. D
14. A
24, D
34. B
13. B
23. C
33. A
14, D
24. D
34. B
5.8 6.D
15. ( 16. D
25. ' ) 26. B
34, B 36 D
7.8 B. C
17. C 18. A
27, B 28. A
37. A 38. D
13. D
23. A
33. B
14. D
24. D
34. D
5.C 6.8
1: , . A 16. B
2! ; . B 26. C
31. B 36. C
7. A 8. D
17, C 18. A
27. D 28. A
37. B 38. C
M6n: TrE'ruG ,lrun lop 10 - chddng trinh CHUAN
Ndm hoc 2007-2008
Mi d6: 7Or
1. A 2,8
11. C 12. B
21. D 22. D
31. C 32. A
Mi d6: 7Oz
1.D 2.A
11. D t2. B
2r . D 22. B
31. C 32. B
M6 d6: 7Og
1. A 2.8
11. D 12.B
2T, B 22. C
31. C 32. D
Me dC z 7O4
1. D 2. A
11. B 12. A
2L. C 22, A
31. D 32. A
13. D
23. A
33. B
14. A
24. A
34. D
5.8 6.C
15. D 16. B
25. B 26. A
34. B 36, A
5.A 6,C
15. C 16. B
25, C ?6. A
34,8 6.C
7. A B, A
T7, C 18. D
27, D 28, B
37, D 38. C
7,C B. B
17, D 18. A
27. D 28. A
37. C 38. A
9.8 10.D
19. A 20. C
29. A 30. C
39. A 40. B
9.8 10.c
19. D 20. c
29. A 30. D
39. C 40. B
9,D 10.A
19. A 20. A
29. A 30. A
39.A 40 D
9.D l0.c
19 D 20.D
29. A 30. D
39. A 40. D

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